Website Analytics

Best Resources for Tracking Website Traffic

Google Analytics is the most used resource to track website traffic and social media used by your website ( It is the de facto industry standard and coordinates with many other internet programs.  There are some other nominally priced services that may be simpler to use:

Clicky is a robust and nicely designed web tracking tool; and provides a snapshot of hourly traffic, top referrers, top pages viewed, and meta information like the total time spent on the site and bounce rate.

Go Squared is a program, similar to Clicky that provides a quick glance at online hourly traffic patterns, busiest pages, referrers, historical comparisons,  and much more.

Woopra is focused foremost on real-time analytics. Its dashboard looks like something out of the Pentagon, featuring a world map with hotspots indicating your visitors’ locations, top pages visited, and a nicely designed traffic sources infographic. Click over to the Visitors panel and you can see exactly what each visitor’s clickthrough pattern has been throughout their visit—and you can see what they’re reading at that very moment. The tool provides a lot of power with minimal effort on your part.